Baptiste Family

"I want to help families with kids who are going through a rough time. My passion is to help kids during a vulnerable time in their life. I know how it feels when change happens and you have no control over it. If I can help them in any way that would fill my heart with joy."
Since becoming a foster caregiver, Rosemund Baptiste has been passionate about keeping siblings together and has fostered several sets of siblings and helped them to transition back home with family. To this day, she remains in contact with each child that has left her home and she offers support to the birth family.
She is currently caring for a sibling group of two who prior to being in her home were difficult to stabilize based on their needs. The siblings are thriving in Rosemunds home. She advocates for their medical and educational needs. She includes them in all of her family activities and family vacations.
"One of my favorite memories is our Christmas trip. The girls were so excited to take a road trip and site see. We all had fun visiting family and playing games with lots of laughs. Another favorite memory is to see my youngest run her first race. She loves running and run together with my oldest. To see her face light up when she completed her race will forever be in my memory."
Thank you Rosemund for saying "Yes" to caring for children in foster care!