The Banse Family

November is #NationalAdoptionMonth and an opportunity to celebrate all of the families who have been made whole through growing their family through adoption.

Joel and Marlyn Banse shared, "Adoption has always been on our hearts. We discussed adoption before we even had biological children. Our biological children are all 11 years old and older now, and we decided as a family we had plenty of love to add to our family."

In March 2022, the Banse Family welcomed a brother and sister, ages 7 and 8, to their family and providing their forever home! They surrounded the children with love, support and telling them "you are good enough and we want you." The children are now thriving in their adoptive home and have made many gains.

Marlyn wanted to share with those considering adoption, "When we started this journey our initial motto was to “Love First”, that mindset has been able to see us through the most difficult parts of this journey. Saying “YES” to adopting was the easy part. Once you start walking through the process of bonding, caring for, and providing for children that need love the most, you can find yourself in the midst of some difficult days. Expect the journey to be filled with challenges, and don’t be too quick to set short term goals. Often times, we go back and look at where we were this time last year to be able to see the progress we have made. These children deserve to have a family to “love first” and a family committed to them at all cost."